Homemade Needham Contest
Have you been making Needhams for years? Does your family have a favorite Needham recipe? Here’s your chance to showcase your own homemade Needhams!
Enter your Needhams into our Homemade Needham Contest - there are cash prizes!
We’ve pulled together a panel of professional Needham-makers from around the state to serve as judges for this competition, so bring your best Needhams and be ready for some fun!
To be eligible for entry: Needhams must be original flavored (vanilla) and made in the true “home-made” sense, from scratch, by hand, at home. Non-commercial participants only, please.
Pre-registration for entry is preferred. Please complete the form here to register.
Needhams will be scored based on specific criteria:
Filling texture
Chocolate quality
Overall taste
Overall look

Cash prizes will be awarded to the top three entries:
1st - $100
2nd - $50
3rd - $25
Honorable Mention for the most creative presentation.

Homemade Needham Contest Sponsor

Prizes for the Homemade Needham Contest are generously sponsored by Maine Needham Company